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Francis Akintade

Senior reporter, Abuja

The hope of improved food security, production, and availability for the teaming population of Nigeria brightens even in the face of the prevailing security challenges brightens as expects, stakeholders and development partners converge on Abuja for the training and capacity building for new and old members of the Cadre Harmonize (CH) analysis Taskforce.

The essence of the meeting is the equip participants with the vital skills of accurate food analysis that will enable policymakers to come up with implementation food production policies that will enhance farming and other forms of food availability in the Country.

Speaking at the opening session of the well-attended workshop held at the conference hall of the Ayalla Hotel, Garki, Abuja, the Senior Regional Food Security Expert (FAO), Sub-regional Team for Resilience in West Africa/Sahel, Naindouba Djerandodje Martin, stated that the workshop aimed to boost the knowledge of the participants towards improved food production.

“We will sit together with the National Analysis Committee on how do who are being trained today will be able to apply in practice what they have been thought. Those who are being trained today are not only for Nigeria, they can be used for other Countries, We are building the capacity of Nigerian specialists for West Africa and the entire Africa”, he said.

In his speech shortly before declaring open the workshop, the National Programme for Food and Security (NPFS) under the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Bashir A Araoye who was represented by the Deputy Director, Mr. Amu Anthony, described the workshop as a critical and major guide to the implementation of food policies in the Country.

He said. “ As you may all be well aware, the FMARD has continued to work closely with partners both at the national and regional level to prioritize actions aimed at improving and sustaining national and household food and nutrition security across the count, and she shall continue to provide leadership in this direction, by providing an enabling environment through continuous capacity building with our partners.

“It is worthy to note that this training is borne out of the need to expand the national and state analysis cell membership, following the high staff turn- Over among old CH analysts. This is however expected as characterized in the system, which often comes with staff advancement, re-deployment to new offices, and retirements.

“For all participants, it is important to bear in mind that the level-1 training is a basic rudiment for being inculcated into the teams of CH analysts both at the state and national level, and as such should be taken with all seriousness. This is because the qualitative principles and standards engaged in the field of food security analysis using the CH framework starts with the participants understanding the concepts and application of the five steps of CH analysis which is embedded in the CH analysis which is embedded in the CH level-1 training

“The expectation of FMARD and NPFS from this training is to ensure that the Nigeria CH analysis task force is expanded and strongly built for the use of accurate evidence-based information following acceptable international standards to analyze Nigeria's food and nutrition security status at every

point in time. I believe this is also the goal and vision of CILSS.


“So much is expected from you all as participants and new members of the CH analysis Taskforce. On this note, I call on you all to be focused, attentive to details, and participate actively in all the sessions to ensure that the objective of this training is actualized”

“To this end, permit me to take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation to all our partners, and most particularly CILSS for continually improving on the CH framework and organizing several trainings to strengthen the capacity of the analysis both at the national and state levels.”, the Director said.

Stakeholders lauded the efforts of the organizer for the CH 20 level 1 training stating that it will help to boost food analysis with the overall goal of achieving food security and food sufficiency in addition to breeding experts and CH analysts in the Country.


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